Finger AI
Finger AI Mobile Touchless ID

Touchless fingerprint biometric for all 10 fingers with liveness.

  • Finger AI is a mobile SDK that runs on mobile platforms Android and iOS.
  • It is based on our Touchless ID biometric interface and only requires a low end camera with flash or torch to capture the user's 10 fingerprints.
  • The software library is optimized for size and speed and can be easily integrated into existing mobile apps to enhance and offer multi-factor biometrics authentication.
  • Depending on how many fingers are used together to authenticate, Finger AI delivers best in class balance between false accept and false reject rates, typical of fingerprint biometrics.
  • Our output fingerprint images are compatible with existing fingerprint standards as we deliver them in various formats (RAW, WSQ, ISO, ANSI NIST, etc).
  • Liveness and anti-spoofing mechanisms are supported through an extensive analysis of a number of parameters that we extract from the captured camera images, thus ensuring that copies, pictures and molds are rejected.
Face AI
Face AI Mobile Touchless ID

Touchless face biometric with liveness.

  • Face AI is a mobile SDK that runs on mobile platforms Android and iOS as well as web.
  • It is based on Touchless ID biometric interface and only requires a low end camera to capture the user's face.
  • The software library is optimized for size and speed and can be easily integrated into existing mobile apps to enhance and offer multi-factor biometrics authentication.
  • Face AI delivers best in class balance between false accept and false reject rates, typical of face biometrics.
  • Face AI captures face images that are compatible with existing face biometric standards (e.g. ISO) and also returns scores for image quality and other ICAO like parameters such as eyes visibility, etc.
  • Anti-spoofing mechanisms are supported providing liveness scoring for every capture through an extensive analysis of a number of parameters that are extracted from the captured camera images, thus ensuring that copies, pictures and molds are rejected.
  • Face AI offers multiplatform support and is compatible with web (JavaScript) and hybrid platforms, including Flutter v2, Cordova IOS v6.1, Cordova Android v 9.0.0, Cordova Command Line Tool v10.0, React-Native v0.64.
  • Face AI supports HTTP, HTTPS, S3, SWIFT , and RESTful API, supporting a broad set of integrations with end customer applications and processes.
  • Online documentation for ease of integration is available through our partner and customer portal.
Palm AI
Palm AI Mobile Touchless ID

Touchless palm biometric with liveness.

  • Palm AI is a mobile SDK that runs on mobile platforms Android and iOS.
  • It is based on Touchless ID biometric interface and only requires a low end camera with flash or torch to capture the user's palms.
  • The software library is optimized for size and speed and can be easily integrated into existing mobile apps to enhance and offer multi-factor biometrics authentication.
  • Palm AI delivers best in class balance between false accept and false reject rates, typical of palmprint biometrics.
  • Our output palm images are compatible with existing palm biometric standards such as ANSI NIST.
  • Liveness and anti-spoofing mechanisms are supported through an extensive analysis of a number of parameters that we extract from the captured camera images, thus ensuring that copies, pictures and moldes are rejected.
OCR AI Mobile Touchless ID

ID Verification.

  • Real time and mobile based digital experience for identity verification and ID binding.
  • AI powered ID verification based on OCR technology.
  • Compatible with global and local national IDs, passports, driving licenses and state cards.
  • Document face extraction and selfie matching with Face AI.
  • Passive face liveness ensured, right on device to protect users’ privacy.
  • OCR scalable to other types of documents.
Multi- factor authentication platform for mobile id

Multi-factor identity assertion platform.

  • It provides the building blocks for organizations to build upon an identity platform that is based on multi-factor biometrics.
  • It is defined as an end to end secure infrastructure and storage, between mobile devices and on premise servers.
  • Multiple biometrics modalities can be plugged in easily to enable multi-factor operation.
  • Scalability is supported to enable a large volume of users.
  • Administration dashboard is built in to facilitate business logic design as well as real time analysis and monitoring.

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